Window Cleaning Hacks

The shiny finish and transparent look is almost impossible to achieve when it comes to window cleaning. Although, this is a semi – annual task, it can really grind your gears especially when your efforts quickly become futile. You think that your home cleaning solutions cannot replace the professional cleaning service? These window-cleaning hacks will prove you wrong.
Get a Squeegee
Window Cleaning Hacks2If you want to clean like a pro, you need to get the right equipment. This constitutes half of the process of achieving professional results. There is nothing worse than after diligently wiping the widows, you find nasty streaks all over the glass surface. This is when the squeegee comes in hand. The tool will help you avoid the streaks, ensuring stunning results. Pick a squeegee with a soft and smooth rubber edge.
Adopt This Technique
If you plan to use the squeegee, you need to get familiar with the specific cleaning technique. Wipe from the top to the bottom or from one side to the other. Bring the streaks to minimum by always starting on dry surface. Avoid washing the windows on sunny days, because the glass will dry out quickly, increasing the risk of streaking. Pick a cloudy day or do it in the afternoon. You might leave the hard to reach areas to the professionals.
Remove the Mildew
Before taking care of the glass surface, you need to be sure that the window frames are free of mold and mildew. The old – fashioned and proved way with bleach – detergent solution works best. Don’t forget to put on rubber gloves when working with this type of heavy products.
No Squeegee Method
This is appropriate for washing the exterior parts of the window. You will need soft bristled brush, an extension pole, garden hose and a cleaner. The first step is to get the spray attachment of the garden hose. Adjust the water flow to lower pressure to avoid any damages. Take the brush to remove the stains and debris. Apply the cleaning product and rinse. Then wash it with clean water. Dry out the excess with a cloth or a squeegee. To preserve the results for longer, you can apply a coat of floor wax. This will protect your windows from the exterior conditions.
Preventing the Dirt
If you have noticed that your windows become dirty very quick, you might need to check your cooling and heating system. This is an indicator of dirty filters that require for replacement or cleaning. These tools are the perfect trap for pollen, dust and dander that go sprightly on your windows. Indoors smoking should also be avoided. Remove the nicotine by treating your windows with ammonia solution. Create a solution by mixing one cup of ammonia in 10 liters of water.
By following these simple tips you can be sure that your windows will be sparkling clean all the time.
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