Window Cleaning Solutions and Guidelines

Window Cleaning Solutions and Guidelines2

There are times when you face a difficult window cleaning job, but that mostly happens after dust storms, long neglect of your windows or someone’s greasy hands being all over your shiny new windows. Regardless of what the case is, you can deal with things with a few simple tips, such as the following:

  • Avoiding streaking

The first thing you need to focus on is washing your windows with a smooth squeegee and a good rubber edge if you want to avoid them. Although this may seem like a lot of work, in fact you simply don’t need to worry about it too much. You can get some of the cleaning done by using a crumpled newspaper, especially if it happens to be of the black and white kind, but you should still stick to using squeegees just to avoid the chemicals inside the ink. You can dry a small strip of glass at the top and then work your way down as you continue cleaning. Make sure you start from the dry sections of the glass and avoid dealing with window cleaning in direct sunlight, as it will only create more streaks in the end. Cloudy days, shade and evenings are your friend when it comes to window cleaning, so never forget that.

  • Keeping dust off your blinds

You can deal with that with relative ease by using an antistatic, antiseptic spray. Once you clean and dust your blinds you will need to spray them to ensure you will need to deal with dusting less often.

  • Avoiding mildew

Washing your windows with a bleach-based solution will help you keep mildew away as you work. If you notice any black or gray spots on the glass or the surrounding window pane, then this possibly means you will need to clean mildew away. A simple mixture of bleach and water in a 1:10 ratio should do the trick without using straight bleach. You should let it do its magic for about ten minutes before wiping it off.

  • Cleaning the window panes

You may want to put a coat of floor wax on your window panes if they happen to be old and vulnerable. This will help protect them from the elements and from any dust that happens to stick to them otherwise. A simple, yet effective step in keeping them clean for longer.

  • Cleaning shades

You need to wash your shades on a regular basis if you want to keep them clean. Using a simple, soft piece of cloth or a duster will get the job done in most cases, but you may need to remove them and clean the harder spots once in a while.


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