Solutions for tough window cleaning

Choosing a Window Cleaning Service2Window washing and cleaning is a chore dreaded by most, particularly if you don’t have the financial means to hire the professional cleaners to do the job for you. But it doesn’t have to that tiresome if you know what you’re doing and have some tricks up your sleeve, which can leave you with sparkling windows in no time at all!


Many people complain of streaks left behind on their windows after they’ve tried cleaning them. There are ways to avoid these nasty streaks, which render all your efforts a waste of time! First of all use a good quality sponge on the end of a pole attachment and dip it in warm soapy water. Then wash your windows thoroughly from top to bottom and side to side. Then take a squeegee (which can be bought from your local hardware store) with a smooth, soft rubber edge and always begin from top to bottom removing the suds. Another tip is to avoid washing windows in direct sunlight, as the heat will dry the suds and make your window susceptible to streaks.


Once the winter months begin to set in you might notice mildew collecting on your window frames. The best way to tackle this is to wash away using a bleach based detergent solution. Mix bleach with your clothes-washing detergent and place the solution over the areas affected by the mildew. Let it soak in for about 10 minutes then rinse away with clean water.


You may be frustrated by the fact that your outdoor windowsills get dirty so quickly, making you question whether window cleaning is even worth it! Well it is. Remember that the outside of your windows are exposed to rain, sunshine, dirt etc and will unavoidably collect a lot of dirt and grime. A trick to protecting your windowsills from the elements is to just wipe on a layer of clear floor wax!


Now if your indoor glass panes of your windows are getting dirty after only just two days of polishing, then there may an underlying cause for this collection of dust. Check that the filters on your air conditioning units or air vents are clean. Filters should be changed every few months and cleaned every couple of weeks. If you’re an avid cook, try to leave windows open so the smoke from frying and roasting doesn’t dirty your windows!


Now I’ve listed some home tips on how to clean your windows, you may want to consider hiring a professional cleaning service that specializes in window washing. Keeping windows spotless in the UK is quite a task, due to rainfall and dust, particularly if you live in London, where pollution from cars and buses can really contribute to dirtying your windows!


Find out how much hiring a cleaning company will set you back, but make sure the cleaners specializes in window cleaning. Hiring a local agency will undoubtedly cost you less and domestic cleaning of windows will surely be less expensive than office window cleaning services! While it’s true that professional window cleaning contractors can get your windows sparkling, there’s no way to avoid a build up of dirt on your glass panes. However you can prolong the time until you need to call in the cleaning company to your home again. Take note of some of the advice offered here, as it works wonders for me! By letting air into your home and keeping windows open, you’ll be surprised at how much cleaner they will stay! Don’t get stressed about window cleaning. It’s just another part of home cleaning we all have to tackle!

Consider starting you own lucrative window cleaning business!